{ It’s The Simple Things… }

To put an end to such a crazy week, I decided to make last night “Me-Time Night“. With Gian in Miami for the day, I had the house – and the TV – completely to myself. Once I got home, I changed into my pijamas, made myself a huge bowl of cereal (bad, bad, bad, but oh-so-good!), got my furbabies together and cuddled on the couch while watching Ryan Gosling movies: The Notebook (why do I cry every time?!), Crazy Stupid Love and Blue Valentine. It was Chick-Flick night, and I loved every minute of it!

But even though this week was extremely hectic, I still think it was pretty magnificent. One of the things that touched me most was waking up to the moonlight on Monday morning. The moon was shining so brightly that you couldn’t help but feel somewhat energized by it – especially because at that time, the city was completely dark….with almost everyone still fast asleep. I admit that although I hate waking up that early every day, there’s something quite magical about it that makes it all worthwhile.

And before I leave you for the week, here are the much awaited “Simple Things“:

1. Emma and her new indigenous outfit. We found this adorable line of dog clothes and accessories, made entirely of Guatemalan textiles, which we could not resist! It was just too cute! And since Emma is a proud “Chapina” we had to buy her a little dress! She loves it because it’s not too tight or uncomfortable.

2. Week Meditation – This week I really pushed my body to new limits. Remember when I told you that I was still somewhat insecure about my body’s abilities in this post? Well, I’m happy to say that is no longer true. This week I worked so hard on my Yoga inversions that I no longer have any insecurity or fear. Now that I fully trust myself (and my body), not only can I do the handstand I was so afraid of against the wall, I can also do a headstand (and hold it for a few minutes) completely wall-free. I admit, I really love being upside-down…you see the world from a completely different perspective.

3. With our Thailand-Vietnam vacation coming up next month, I had to invest in a few new beachwear pieces. After getting completely carried away with the swimwear sales in Saks, Neiman and Vix, and buying way too many swimsuits, I have to say this one-piece by Zimmermann is my all-time favorite. It has such a sophisticated, cute, fun and girly feel to it that I actually find it quite sexy. I can’t wait to wear it! 
4. Tested & Approved: YSL “Perfect Touch Foundation” – My current foundation. It’s light, creamy and provides the natural-looking coverage that I love. I don’t care too much for the brush it brings, I find it doesn’t apply the foundation evenly, so I preferred to stick to my own application methods which you can see, here.
Have a lovely weekend, girls!

{ Kitchen Bits } – Food For Doggies

Since I can remember, I’ve always had a pet dog.  It was usually one of the many pets we used to have, because my father LOVES animals. The fact that my grandparents owned a cattle ranch influenced my childhood immensely, and I grew up knowing and learning all the facts of life through the many species of animals there. I loved to wake up at the crack of dawn and watch while they milked the cows to provide us with fresh milk (we did this dressed in pj’s and cowboy boots), let the chickens out of their cage and feed them (they sleep in a cage so the wild animals don’t hunt them at night), give fruit to the parrots and parakeets, and play around with the dog pack my grandpa so dearly loved, which then followed us around while we went horseback riding. We also had ducks, geese, tepezcuintles, donkeys, mules, and a wide variety of chickens. 

With this background, it is no surprise my father is a dog enthusiast, and thanks to him, I can identify most of the breeds and know how to handle and take care of a dog. I’ve always been a dog lover, and since I don’t have kids yet, my furbaby is very, very spoiled. Boston Terriers tend to be highly allergic to grains and have sensitive skin, so her diet was a nightmare, a conversation we’ve been having with Barbara since we met, due to the fact that Frankie is a very picky eater. Now, Emma is another story. 😉

Looking back at all the posts I’ve written, I noticed that not one was dedicated to doggie food! Please keep in mind that I am no vet and that all the information I got, I got through online research, books, and dog nutrition forums (there is one specifically for Boston Terriers, can you believe that?).

Here are some tips on how to keep your mutt healthy:

·     { First, what you should NOT feed them: } 
Onions and garlic (and foods cooked with these ingredients), alcohol, sugar, grapes, coffee, nuts and especially, chicken bones—they can hurt your dog’s throat and/or choke them, since they tend to splinter when they break. Chocolate is also especially harmful for their health.

·     { What you CAN feed them: } 
Vegetables! Dogs can eat veggies too, and they make a healthy treat that won’t make them fat. You can also give them fruits as long as they don’t have a pit, since they can contain cyanide. 

·     Regarding wet or dry food, it all depends on your opinion and budget. I personally think that dry food keeps their teeth and gums cleaner and healthier, but it is a question of preference.

If  you’re feeling especially generous towards your furry companion and want to indulge them, here’s a recipe for a homemade doggie treat from the almighty Cesar Millan (I’m a HUGE, HUGE fan):


(How cute is this name?!)

{ Ingredients }

2 3/4 cups water
1/4 cup applesauce (unsweetened)
2 tbsp honey
1/8 tbsp vanilla extract
1 medium egg
4 cups whole wheat flour
1 cup dried apple chips (unsweetened)
1 tbsp baking powder

{ Directions } 
Preheat oven to 350 degrees
Mix water, applesauce, honey, egg and vanilla extract together in a bowl
Add remaining ingredients and mix until well blended
Pour into lightly greased muffin pans
Bake 1 1/4 hours

There will be a lot of tail-wagging when you take these out of the oven!

Until next,

{ Look of The Day } – Stealing The Show

This week has been super hectic. We’ve had so much work and so many social events to attend that my normal daily routine went totally nuts. Consequently, we’ve had to wake up even earlier just to be able to fit in some gym time into our schedules. My current bed time? 8:30pm. I feel like such an old lady! But the truth is, the more hectic my life gets, the more I crave my 8 hours of sleep. If I don’t get enough sleep I feel cranky and uninspired pretty much all day.

Today is one of those crazy days. And one of the things I had in my agenda was to stop by the Alessa Studio to meet, greet, and welcome the winner of our June Giveaway. It was heart-warming to see her excitement. We indulged her with a photographer, fine chocolates and champagne (even though it was a bit too early for that!), and had a great time chit-chatting and sharing our passion for jewelry.

For such a special event, I thought dressing-up was only appropriate. Here’s what I decided to wear:

(As always, Emma got in the way and started posing for the camera! Such a cutie!)

Shoes: Jimmy Choo
Accessories: Alessa Designs, Chanel & Kenneth Jay Lane

Until next time!

{ Décor } – Cool & Fresh Inspiration

Some of you may have read in Facebook that our little Emma was spayed this past Monday afternoon. I’m aware of how simple and routine this procedure is (Frankie is also neutered), but still I worried for her and counted the minutes until the Vet’s phone call informing us everything was A-Okay. Thankfully, Emma did not need to spend the night at the Vet’s office and I was able to shower her with love from the moment she came home, tired, weak and in a lot of pain. Typically a very happy and lively dog, it was heartbreaking for me to see her so fragil.

However, after resting all night and all day yesterday, I’m happy to announce that Emma is back to her old self; she’s happy, playful, and is acting as if nothing happened…it’s impressive how quickly they recover! I still have to monitor her and make sure she’s not too active, this way her wound can heal without any implications. The funny thing is, from the moment Emma came home, Frankie has been approaching her every now and then just to check if she’s okay. It’s so cute to see him worry for her. Melts my heart!

I know….I’m such a dork!

But anyway, today is Wednesday and that means it’s décor inspiration day! And this week I decided to  look for cool, contemporary and fresh designs for you ladies to enjoy! Take a look & inspire yourselves:

Until next time!

{ It’s The Simple Things… }

Boy it’s been hot in Guatemala lately! Honestly, I don’t know how people sleep here without Air Conditioning. When I moved here a couple of years ago and found out that 99% of apartments and private homes did not have central Air Conditioning I was in shock! I understand that there are certain areas of the country where such “artificial cooling/life saving systems” are not needed, but if you live in the heart of Guatemala City, my friend…an A/C unit can be your best friend! Specially now that our environment is changing, and Guatemala no longer has that eternal-spring-kind-of-weather.

Thankfully, when we lived in my mother-in-law’s furnished apartment, she had A/C units installed in every single every room. Spoiled as we were, when we moved out into our own little place, we had to purchase at least one for our master bedroom. So, I can’t say that I spend sleepless nights lying in bed because of the heat (sorry, Chef Paiz! – hehe). However, the heat is still everywhere else in the house…so working, cooking and doing housework can sometimes feel like torture!

But anyway, I hope all my readers who live in Guatemala, El Salvador & Mexico had a lovely and memorable Mother’s Day yesterday in the company of those they love most! And if you are a mother, I hope your little ones made you feel loved and appreciated every second of the day!

Here are the “Simple Things” of the week:

1. Soothing, calming and fresh herbal tea blends we found at a store in Fort Worth, Texas. The perfect ending for a stressful and busy day. Too bad I only purchased 2 baggies.

2. Frankie & Emma shower in style! I love the Pet Head (by Bed Head) line for them. It’s super cool and leaves their coat shiny, soft, and smelling great. Frankie has been using the red one for about 3 years now. Plus, how cute are the bottles?

3. On Thursday we stopped by the Alessa Designs Studio to pick-up the gift we purchased for my mother-in-law for Mother’s Day, and I was thrilled to see that their brand new packaging is a locally handcrafted wooden box. It looked so intriguing and so original, you can only imagine how curious my mother-in-law was when she saw it! (Oh, and of course, she loved her gift!)

4. Mother’s Day is Brazil is celebrated on Sunday just like the U.S. and most countries. And being far away from my mom on a day this special, is one of the many sacrifices she and I had to make many years ago when we chose to live thousands of miles away from one another. But even though she’s far, she knows I think of her every single hour of the day, and that I miss her just as much. She’s the most admirable woman I know, with a heart made of gold and iron at the same time. She’s been through so much in life, but has always managed to keep her head up high, showing me that being a woman (and a mother) may not be an easy job, but it’s definitely the most wonderful, complex and beautiful one. Today, just like any other day, I send lot’s of love and positive energy her way. I may not be there in person to hug her tightly and kiss her on the cheek, but she knows that I’m always with her in spirit.

 I love you with all of my soul, mom! Thank you for always being yourself, and for teaching me to be the woman I am today, and be proud of it! You make me stronger!

Happy Mother’s Day to all my readers who will be celebrating their day this coming Sunday! What would be of our world without a mother’s love?

Have a lovely weekend!

{ Look of The Day } – Casual Cocktail Party

Good morning, everyone! How was everyone’s weekend? Mine was very good. We got plenty of rest, reorganized our closets (while doing some “Spring Cleaning”), watched a couple of movies, spent quality time with the in-laws, did some shopping and got together with our friends at a casual cocktail party at restaurant Hacienda Real.

It was a lovely weekend.

And since last week I had no “Look of The Day” to share with you, I decided to take a couple of pictures of the outfit I wore to my friends’ cocktail party on Saturday. Since the cocktail was at night, and the flash in my camera is very, very average, the pictures didn’t come out too great – but you can still get the idea.

Take a look:

Blouse: Massimo Dutti (new collection)
Jeans: JBrand
Handbag: Gucci
Shoes: Jimmy Choo
Accessories: Alessa Designs & Cartier

Look who also got in front of the camera and started posing:

She’s so cute, I want to squeeze her!
Until next time!

{ It’s The Simple Things… }

This week couldn’t have ended soon enough. A few years ago, I used to get through my long hours at work by drinking at least 5-6 cups of coffee a day. It was insane. And I’m not talking about the coffee you make at home, I’m talking about Starbucks coffee…the strongest one available. As expected, it got to be so much that my body eventually forced me to cut down to 2-3 cups at the most. I have proudly maintained that number for a couple of years now, well…until this week.

Boy, this was a tough one for me! My schedule was completely off – waking up early, going to bed late, and working out at night instead of in the mornings – I felt completely drained. Even my diet was thrown off a bit…I’m the type of person who eats a lot when under stress, so as you can imagine, I kept searching for snacks in our pantry every couple of hours. Not good!

So in order to regroup and recharge, my husband and I have decided to head off to the beach house this weekend. Actually, we should be on our way there right now! Hopefully, feeling much better prepared (and rested) for the week to come.

But for now, here are the “Simple Things:

1. Preparing my beauty bag for the beach – Making sure to take my sunscreens, moisturizers, protective drops for the hair and tinted moisturizer for the face (instead of foundation, which can feel too heavy).

2. Spring Colors – Looking at all the colorful and soft, flowy fabrics in my closet make me smile. Spring is probably my favorite season of the year both weather and fashion wise, so I’m psyched that it has already started over here.

3. Chewy & Fluffy Toys – Just a few of the MANY toys my furry children have spread ALL over the house. If you walked in, you’d honestly think I had real children living here. They are so spoiled and incredibly protective of their property. Oh, and I don’t even bother putting them away anymore…they start taking them all out again 10 seconds later.

4. Big Apple’s Decor Master Class – Although I had to sneak out a little early to head to another appointment, I thoroughly enjoyed the class and loved seeing all the fabulous girls who attended (it was a full house!). I learned SO MUCH about my personal decorating style, and how to choose the right fabrics that will accentuate the personality of my home, that I left the class with that itch of wanting to buy the entire store! I came home and immediately started measuring the chairs and pillows I want to reupholster, and definitely plan on returning next week to really look at the different fabric collections they have. Oh, and Manfer Rodriguez (the most fabulous interior designer in the country) and Agustina de Tezanos were a JOY to watch. I love working with a store that is so innovative! Thanks Big Apple for throwing yet another very educational class! I think it’s very important for us to understand and learn about design…after all, our home IS our temple!
Have a lovely weekend, ladies!

And So We Become a Family of 4…

Girls, meet the newest member of our family! Little Emma.

It’s nothing new that we’ve been searching for a little sister for Frankie for a while. And after many months of disappointments, we have finally found the right match for him! Or at least we hope so! Emma is only 8 weeks of age, weighs approximately 1 lb., pees every 5 minutes, and has the vocal chords of an opera singer.

We welcomed our newest baby home yesterday, and it’s fair to say it’s been an interesting 24 hours. Frankie still has to accept her, and spends his time either ignoring me or competing for attention. Emma, however, could care less about him, and barks at him every time he growls at her. Something tells me she’s going to be a feisty little one! But I’m sure they’ll grow to love each other and serve as each other’s company. Something my little Frankie desperately needs.

So, here’s the reason we didn’t get ANY sleep last night:

Isn’t she cute?

{ What We Need } – Hotel for Dogs

If you have a dog (or a few) that is treated like part of the family, you must agree that it breaks your heart when you have to leave him behind when you go away on vacation. My little Frankie knows we’re leaving for a long time the moment we start packing our bags. He cries, he barks, he gets mad and lastly…he gets depressed. Yes, he has MAJOR separation anxiety (and so do we.) And no, that’s not a good thing. Actually, it’s a serious problem.

You see, when we lived in Boston we traveled a lot more than we do here. But in Boston, I traveled guilt-free because I knew my Frankie was treated extremely well in the Dog Hotel we used to leave him. Actually, he loved it there and everyone knew him really, really well. Seeing how excited and happy he was when we left him made us feel a lot better. At least he wasn’t depressed. There, he used to even get “report cards” which let us know of his daily activities (which included ice-cream day, playdates, spa day, etc) and on his behavior. He was treated like a baby, and we really appreciated that. Plus, the facilities were amazing….almost like a real hotel; with suites that had their own flat screens, telephones and comfy beds. It was amazing. I’m sure it still is.

But not as amazing as this new dog hotel that opened recently, The Urban Hound. Considered a “luxury hotel for dogs” – also in Boston. This place is the bomb! Why can’t we have something like this here? Just look at how fantastic it is! Frankie would love it….and so would we. I miss having a place to leave him when we travel. I mean, there are places here, but they are nowhere near this! They are usually places where they leave our dogs in crates all day.

At The Urban Hound, they love our dogs as much as we do….which is exactly what dog owners, like myself, look for!

Check it out:

How cool is it?

{ Halloween } – Costume Ideas For Your Furry Children!

The countdown to Halloween has officially begun!! And to start off, I want to share some of the cutest Halloween costume ideas for the furry ones in your family. After all, if your children will be dressing up, so should your doggies! There’s nothing cuter than seeing kids with their dogs trick or treating together.

Personally, I’ve never been a huge fan of Halloween. I dressed up only once in my entire life – I know, boring! I guess I never really saw the fun of it, and always thought girls dressed especially slutty on this day. But now that I have Frankie, each Halloween brings a whole new surprise. I never thought Halloween could be this much fun!

Just look at them!!! Cuteness!!!

Love it!