{ Thought of The Day } – When a Quote Touches You

You know that feeling you get when you listen to a song that reminds you of a particular event in your life? Well, certain quotes have the same effect on me. They touch me in a way that not only makes me think deeper about life in general, but also inspire and motivate me to be a better person – daily. The memories a song possesses may be a very personal thing, a quote however, is something I feel you can share with the world.

And for this particular occasion, I want to share a quote I came across a little while ago that had a huge impact on me. It’s quite a simple one, and I have no idea where it comes from, but the beauty of it, is that its interpretation may vary depending on the person reading it:

“She left pieces of her life behind her everywhere she went. 
It’s easier to feel the sunlight without them‘ – she said.”

Last weekend at the beach
So what is my interpretation? Well, for me, this quote touches deep inside my heart. I think I’ve said it here before that my life has been far from perfect. I’ve gone through a lot in this short life I’ve had in this world; I’ve suffered difficulties early in my life that I never thought were even possible. I’ve had my heart broken several times (3 of them having an enormous impact on me), I’ve made a large number of mistakes, I’ve trusted people that I shouldn’t have trusted, I’ve opened up to people whose only intentions were to hurt me, I lost the only sister I had, I’ve survived a phase of depression (and an eating disorder) and the list can go on, on and on. Needless to say, my life hasn’t been an easy one (but beautiful, nonetheless!).
And even while I was going through some of my darkest times, I knew that it was all going to be worth it somehow. I knew that it was all going to shape me someday, make me who I am, make me stronger, wiser, better. I knew that each person that came into my life had a purpose, a lesson to teach me. And that, perhaps, I had a purpose in their lives as well. None of it happened “just because” and none of it should be regrettable. I cherish all of the good memories I’ve had with each and every single person that has crossed my life, and I’ve tried to learn from the experiences I’ve had with them – good and bad. 
However, one of life’s greatest challenges is undoubtedly, moving on. To “move on“, completely and happily, is an art many still have to master. And “moving on” does not only apply to relationships, it applies to pretty much anything in life; addictions, bad habits, failures, words you’ve said, actions you’ve taken, etc. “Moving on” takes work, forgiveness, acceptance and it requires one’s understanding of oneself – it’s hard. But when you succeed at it, gosh, it feels wonderful. You feel lighter, more content, secure, peaceful, overjoyed…you really start to feel the sunlight and see life from a completely different – and clear – perspective.
To me, that is what this quote means. It means that it’s not until you start to move on, leaving pieces of your life behind you as you do, that you really start to feel the sunlight. This quote reminds me that regret, and any sort of negativity, can really weigh you down. And you should always break free, especially from those two things, if you wish to live a happy and fulfilled life. 
In the end, you’ll notice none of them matter, anyway.
How about you, do you have a quote that has touched you?
Until next time!

{ Thought of The Day } – Forgiveness & Acceptance

There’s no doubt that I have changed quite a bit since the beginning of this blog. If you’ve been a reader of the THW since it’s very humble beginnings, you probably witnessed this “change” evolve with time. I knew 2012 was going to be a different year for me. I felt it, I also yearned it to be. Change was needed, but I knew it wasn’t going to happen unless I wanted it to, and unless I made the effort.

I think that one of the most obvious changes I’ve welcomed into my life is my newfound spirituality. I’m not talking about religion, and I won’t talk about religion here, I’m talking about a different kind of spirituality. The one you have with your inner self and the world around you. The connection, the understanding, the respect and the peace you develop not only internally (by loving who you are), but with everyone else around you. Optimism played an important and necessary role here, but the biggest catalyst in this was undoubtedly yoga and meditation. Yoga and meditation taught me to clear my mind, slow down, absorb the energy that surrounds me, and most of all, challenge and surpass all the imaginary limits and fears I had with my own body and potential.

So why am I bringing this up? Well, ever since I shared this post with you, many of you have asked that I talk about the problems I had with my mother and what I did to forgive her, for apparently, many of you were facing some of the same challenges. Because it is a very personal matter, and I don’t see the need to go into small details, I have decided that skipping the ugly part and jumping to what really matters (the forgiveness process) was probably going to be more constructive. But what does yoga have to do with all of this? Not a lot. It was basically the first of many steps I was going to take to learn to forgive and accept my mother. Yoga taught me to clear my mind of negativity, of everything that was holding me back, and it helped me become more “in tune” with my own mind (and my own body) before I could go on any further…

Then I started to do some “soul searching“. And through that process, I learned a great deal about myself. I learned that I am melancholic-phlegmatic (which explains why I react certain ways), that my “love language” is “quality time(which again, explains so much about my previous heartaches and relationship problems), I learned about my weaknesses and strengths, and most of all, that our personal issues are rooted in our childhood. Once I started to look back into my life, seeing how my parents behaved and reacted, trying to pinpoint the scenarios that most affected me, identifying traumatic experiences and trying to remember how certain things made me feel, I felt as if everything made perfect sense. Now, I finally understood why I am the way I am. And guess what? Our parents are no different.

After learning all there was to learn about myself and replaying my life inside my head as if it were a movie, I moved on to getting to know my mother a little better. How was her childhood like? How was her relationship with her mother and her father? How was the relationship between her parents? Were they caring and affectionate towards each other and their children? How was their communication? What life experiences most affected her? How did she behave with her brothers? How did her brothers treat her? How was her adolescent years? How about her adult years? How was her relationship with my father? Did she feel secure with him? Did she trust him? Were they affectionate? Did they communicate well? How did they express love?

It may seem like a lot, and it is. Finding the answers to such questions took a lot of time and patience. I had to spend many hours pondering, rethinking about many things I tried to forget, and listening more. After I finally had all the pieces of the puzzle, I started to put everything together and got a clear understanding of why my mother is the way she is. Everything made perfect sense. I realized that all her issues and the issues I had with her, were neither my fault or hers; it all lie in her childhood and the many battles she had to face throughout her life. Now that I saw things clearly, I began to accept her for who she is. I wasn’t going to try to change her….people don’t change when you force them, the only answer was acceptance. I believe that it’s not until you fully accept someone that you can really start to forgive them.

Was it easy? Of course not. But then again, the most rewarding things in life usually don’t come easily. You need to work hard for change, you need to open-up your heart, be kinder to people, be more understanding, be more optimistic. Accept the things you cannot control. Remember that little saying you see in Pinterest all the time, “always be kind, for everyone you know is fighting a hard battle“? Well, Plato said that…. and he was a pretty wise guy! Listen to him…

Until next time!

{ Thought of The Day } – Insecurity Begone…

Today I want to show you a video that has been (somewhat) controversial, and that a lot of you have probably seen (and talked about) a thousand times already – especially if you live in a city where there’s an Equinox Gym. It’s a video of Briohny Kate-Smith (a yoga instructor and my yoga inspiration) practicing awe-inducing asanas in her underwear. Yes, I know…I’ll probably get a lot of judgmental comments because of that (why people are so uncomfortable with this is beyond me – it’s a human body. We all have one), but I promise there’s a point to this – so don’t come into any conclusions until you have finished reading. Bare with me here.

This morning, towards the end of our yoga class, our instructor (Carla, whom I adore), had us start our way into doing inversions. If you’re not familiar with yoga poses, all you need to know is this: inversions are very, very, very difficult to do. They require a lot of upper body and core strength, focus, control, and a hell lot of balance. It’s no walk in the park.

Because none of us had done a full hand stand before, Carla had us practice against the wall. Now, I’ve been able to do a stand on my elbows (against the wall, of course), and I’m fully comfortable doing a few variations of the crow position, so I knew I had the arm strength to do it. But when the time came for me to lift my legs up in the air and push my back against the wall….I panicked.

I panicked because I feared I was going to fall. I panicked because I feared I’d lose control. I panicked because I feared I’d break my neck….I feared, I feared, I feared. But thinking about it now, was it really fear? No. It was insecurity. Insecurity of myself. Insecurity of my potential….insecurity of what I CAN do. I doubted myself, my body, the trust just wasn’t there, and as a result, I wasn’t able to do the hand stand on my own.

The crow

This brings me to Briohny and the video. There’s no doubt that Briohny is in amazing shape and is incredible at yoga. Watching her move slowly and gracefully, you’re almost fooled into thinking that what she’s doing is easy. She’s really good. And it’s obvious why she’s become my yoga inspiration. But when people watched this video, all they could focus on was the fact that she’s in her underwear…without looking into Briohny’s perspective and her background, and without thinking about what yoga truly represents, they started to judge her. You see, as a child star, Briohny suffered from a very serious eating disorder and struggled to accept and love her body. All throughout her teenage years, the people in her life made fun of her weight, poking at her “baby fat“, saying she was “big-boned” and making her feel even more uncomfortable and insecure of her body and herself. This is a girl who had to live a very public lifestyle…you can imagine how difficult it must have been, and the impact this must have had on her.

Briohny and her daughter

So to see Briohny now – a master at yoga – filming a video that was soon to be seen by millions of people, practicing asanas in her underwear, to me, showed her strength not only as a yogi, but as a woman. The same woman who had spent years of her life hating her body, insecure of herself, is showing to the world that she is now strong, comfortable, confident, secure, in absolute control and sexy as hell. It inspired me to great lengths. If she has overcome all her adversities, then so can I.

And so can you!

Life is challenging. We tend to face a lot of obstacles, often having to make important decisions and often having to push our limits. It’s no wonder we feel insecure at times! It’s completely normal to question our abilities, our potential, and even doubt the decisions we make…but only if it’s because we’re pushing ourselves to be better. Briohny has inspired me NOT to feel insecure anymore. Why? because I’ve come to realize that insecurity does not make us better, it only holds us BACK. We can question ourselves all we want, but we should NEVER feel insecure about who we are, or what we can achieve.

So even though it may take me a little while to finish that hand stand on my own, I can tell you one thing: I WILL do it! And you know why?

Because I know I can!
Until next time!
(If you are interested, here’s an Acro Yoga routine Briohny does with her husband. It’s absolutely amazing!)

{ It’s The Simple Things… }

I can’t tell you how glad I am that this week is finally over. What a challenging week it has been for me. My allergies were off the roof, I didn’t get enough sleep, I had a million things in my agenda (some of which I had no time to tend to), I lacked energy to finish the day and had a cocktail of emotions running through me. The “little issues” I had with my mother (the one I told you about) has taken a real toll on me. I’m drained, exhausted and in need of some serious Yoga therapy.

And since my head is in a million different places, my husband and I decided to escape the city for a bit and head to the beach for some much-needed relaxation. I grew up around the water, I’ve always been a “beach girl,” so I feel at peace when I’m close to the ocean. I feel safe, at home, grounded and humbled. There’s something magical about being near something so massive, important, ancient and mysterious. The ocean fascinates me…its power fascinates me even more. Plus, my allergy clears completely when I’m there.

So I look forward to sitting next to the water, clearing my head, refocusing, and perhaps even reading a book…all while enjoying the tranquility the ocean gives me.

I hope you all enjoy your weekend as well because another busy week awaits…

Until next time!

{ Thought of The Day } – Finding Peace at Six Senses Con Dao

As I sit here trying to come up with the words to express myself in a letter I must write to my mother, a letter she will never, ever, read – a tactic our family councilor (yes, we have one, and I highly recommend it to everyone) believes will help me forgive her for all the things she unconsciously did, or did not do, to me throughout my life – I can’t help but daze off to a better place, peaceful and pure, for some comfort every couple of minutes. I’ve always been really good at facing and expressing my emotions, but somehow when it comes to my deepest, most personal feelings, I lack the courage to even acknowledge they exist. Ignoring such feelings used to be my strongest defense mechanism, my way to face the hardships of life, my way of survival. But as our councilor has said repeatedly, it’s also a ticking bomb waiting to explode.

So here I am, trying to sum up all my emotions into a few words and sentences on a piece of paper. How do you summarize 26 years of your life? Surely, there’s no way of going back in time and remembering all the good and bad without getting a bit emotional….it’s like watching your life unfold right in front of your eyes from a time machine. It’s not easy. There are certain things from my past that I would much rather forget and brush under the rug, thank you. But hey, it’s all for the best. It’s for my mother. And because she’s only human and I love her, I want to forgive her with all my soul. As my councilor also said: the reason why I’ve never pictured myself as a mother has a lot to do with the fact that I’ve never had a mother-daughter relationship. I don’t know what that is, nor what it consists of.

So, every few minutes as I write this painful letter, I take a break and remind myself that in just a few months time, my husband and I will escape the harsh reality and unfairness of life by going here for a week: The Six Senses Resort at Con Dao, Vietnam.

…and suddenly, it’s all worth it!

Doesn’t it take your breath away?
I can’t wait!

{ Thought Of The Day } – A Story of Domestic Violence

After watching the Grammy’s this year, and seeing how both the Academy and the fans still idolized Chris Brown (rewarding him with a Grammy and 2 live performances) after his awful and unforgiving assault towards Rihanna (read the court papers with the details here), and the horrific comments some young girls were posting on Twitter (i.e: “I’d let Chris Brown beat me any time”), I came to realize that many people are still not fully aware of the severity of Domestic Violence and that perhaps, the media downplays the seriousness of this issue – forgiving and forgetting too quickly and materializing women into sex objects. An issue that here in Guatemala affects 1 in 3 women. Now, that’s one scary statistic. And despite what many may believe, Domestic Violence has no socio-economic, ethnic or age boundaries. It can happen to anyone, anywhere.

There are several types of abuse: physical, sexual (1 in 4 women are sexually abused in Latin America), psychological, emotional and even economical. Physical and sexual abuse are the easiest ones to recognize, but would you be able to recognize the others? I think it’s important for all women (since 85% of Domestic Violence is towards women) to educate themselves in recognizing the signs (read about them here), and to understand that they are not alone in this battle and that the first step into leaving an abusive relationship is to talk about it with those close to them. They must learn that none of this is their fault, and that there are organizations that can help them get out. All this may sound easier said than done…but it’s key to NEVER lose hope, to NEVER lose confidence in yourself, and to educate the children of today so they don’t grow into abusers themselves. Remember, YOU are your children’s role models and there’s no EXCUSE for an abusive relationship! No one has the right to hurt someone else this way!

Here is a story of someone I know who used to live in an abusive relationship, but was strong and brave enough to find her way out and share her story with all of us:

“I met a guy, the perfect guy….isn’t that the way it starts? I must say, I was 18 at the time but had moved away from home (at the age of 16) first to live with my father and then to live with my sister while attending college – an Ivy League college, I might add. So, I might have been young, but I was NEVER stupid. I went to school during the day and worked nights. I met him through work. He was attractive, apparently “well-off”, took me out to nice places, treated me great (i.e. dinner, roses, the whole bit…). I was still dating other guys, mind you….after all….I was young and single. My sister often spent time at her boyfriend’s place, so she was rarely at home. The guy (I will call him Jim for the sake of this story), would often stay with me…no big deal. Until the fateful night when my sister decided that Jim wasn’t welcome anymore, and because I would not comply with her wishes, she threw all of my clothes and belongings onto the grass outside of our rented house. Jim was there to “rescue” me. We stayed in a motel for a few nights, while trying to figure out what to do. (Don’t forget that I was still dating and now had just fallen off of the face of the Earth in terms of other men). Jim and I decided to rent a furnished apartment and move in together. What choice did I have? I was alone and thrown out by family. Going back home was not an option…my mother was an alcoholic, my dad had re-married and I had just spent my senior year of high school with him. He was struggling with bankruptcy, his own marital issues, etc. So Jim and I  moved into a furnished apartment and  lived together for about 3 months, at which time he thought it would be a good idea for us to marry. Why not? It had all worked out so far! We tried to get married on Christmas, but since there was no one available to do so, we ended up going to a Justice of the Peace on December 26th.  Everything was wonderful and beautiful!  I remember sending a telegram (remember those?) to my mother informing her of my marriage. I did not see her after that for 7 years….

Upon returning to our apartment that same day, I don’t know what even started it (probably some trivial thing) he went into a rage. I ended up hiding in the closet on my wedding day to avoid him hitting me. He even threatened me with a bow and arrow (which was in the closet and belonged to him, which I had only assumed he used as a hobby). He had not touched me before this date …our wedding day.
Of course, the following day, he apologized, said it would never happen again, brought me flowers, begged forgiveness and I believed I could “change him”. He confided in me that he had been married 2 times previously, and apparently abuse was a factor in both marriages. BUT I WAS DIFFERENT. I COULD FIX IT.
I cannot begin to describe the next 7 YEARS that I was married to him. His clothes had to be hung with all hangers facing the same way or all hell would break loose. If they had been ironed incorrectly by the cleaners, over which I had no control, it was MY fault and not only would he rip the shirt off his back, popping all of the buttons, but then the beating would begin. When I would return from class, I would literally be pinned down and vaginally inspected to assure that I had not been with another man. I’d lying Spread Eagle on the bed, while he inspected me. He would follow me to class…without my knowledge.  Simple things, like dinner being overcooked or laundry not being done (correctly) would set him off, and I would be beaten up. Beatings included bruising, swollen lips, black eyes….and the never-ending use of sunglasses (by me). (Nicole Simpson looked GOOD compared to the many beatings I received).  I remember one time, specifically, in which alcohol was involved. During those days (the ’80’s) there was a lot of alcohol and drug usage, and on this particular day it was Tequila.  He and I were both drinking and for some reason it started. BUT this time I fought back, only to find myself, the next day, with almost a broken jaw (nearly requiring hospitalization for my mouth to be wired shut), 2 black eyes, broken lips and lying in bed unable to move. A dozen roses and numerous apologies followed yet again.
The physical abuse was bad enough, but the emotional abuse might almost have been worse. I was “nothing,” “no good,” “not good enough,” “no one would ever want me,” “I needed him” – especially since according to him, “no one else would ever have me.” Although I KNEW better, somehow he convinced me that I had no where to go, no one to turn to, and I was a worthless human being.  
He had long since cut me off from family and friends. No phone calls, no visits, nothing.  He told me that a 3rd person always creates problems in a marriage. My sister tried to call a few times but he made me hang up. God bless her, she tried. Thank GOD, somehow I remained in touch with my dad. However, my dad, being an abuser himself (although he talked to Jim many times) was unable to create any lasting effect, and so it continued. 
One night in a restaurant, with my dad and his wife, my dad confronted Jim. I had a black eye at the time and my dad took him outside and threatened him, but it did not stop Jim. He promised my dad that things would be better but they never were.

I tried to run, a few times, but even my VERY BEST FRIEND would not allow me into her place due to fear of what he may do to her (she knew the history). I was not allowed to talk to my family or my friends. I could not even go to the grocery store without Jim. At one point, he put a “security gate” at the bottom of our stairwell (we lived on the second story of an apartment building) which required a key to get in or out. I was not given a key. I screamed “bloody murder” on numerous occasions and the police often came, but he had threatened me with further bodily harm should I report him. So I kept quiet when they arrived. Thank God the laws are different today, and should there be any indication of abuse, the man will be arrested first and questions will be asked later. Unfortunately, I was not to benefit from the laws that are in force NOW….
Finally, something happened to me. I was driving home from work one day with a knot in the pit of my stomach…THIS WAS THE DAY!  I was GOING TO LEAVE HIM! I arrived home from work, knowing in my gut that this was the day, and it did not take long until the abuse began once I got home (after all, I was late). I ran down the stairwell (he had not locked the security gate) and I WAS OUT!!!!! He proceeded to run after me with a hammer. He put it through the windshield of my car so I had to walk…I WAS READY. I walked down the street, a residential street in Santa Monica, California. There was construction going on across the street, construction guys wolf-whistling to me as I walked, and he followed saying things like, “Nice piece of Ass, huh?
I made it to the grocery store on the corner….YAY! Pay phones! BUT, I guess he knew what was coming. He had been there and done that before, so he had already taken all of my credit cards, checks, etc. out of my wallet. I did have some change left in my wallet…so I called for help….
I called battered women’s shelters, only to be asked if I had a job, a checking account, etc. Once I stated that, indeed, I had a job with a steady paycheck, BUT that he had taken all of my credit cards, checks, etc., THEY TOLD ME THEY COULD NOT HELP ME! There I was…in a phone booth, thank GOD in public, outside of a grocery store. He wasn’t coming after me. What could I do? Even the shelters had turned me away because I had a job and a checking account, why????
Finally, I telephoned my dad who lived 2 hours away. He told me that he was “on his way,” Thank God! I telephoned a taxi, which took me out of the city to a local restaurant that I used to go to. After hearing my story, there was no taxi fare nor charge for the MANY drinks that I ordered in the restaurant. I sat at that bar for what seemed like HOURS. FINALLY, my dad and his wife arrived. They drove me back to their home, 2 hours away….AWAY FROM HIM….
I had only the clothes on my back – from silk blouses, gold jewelry, tailored clothing, the fine life –THIS WAS IT. I don’t remember much from the 2 weeks I spent at my dad’s house, just endless phone calls from Jim and my dad telling him that “I wasn’t there”.  In the end, I HAD to return to work. I met with my boss a couple of weeks later and told her everything. Security was on-guard should Jim attempt to get to me, AND HE DID. I was able to call security twice, to be protected against him, and have him removed from the property. I don’t remember how long after that I was called into my boss’ office. The police were there…serving ME with divorce papers! UNBELIEVABLE, but I was so grateful. I had since moved into my own little rental residence and was coming to grips with everything. I forgot to mention that Jim and I had rented a garage to store furniture that I had received from my parents. One night, my mother and a BIG guy who was her friend, went with me to the garage and cut the lock, removing the furniture, etc. in order to furnish my new place. THANK GOD FOR FAMILY.

The Cycle of Abuse, taught to me in High School that I think is worth sharing. Remember, an abuser doesn’t show his true colors at first, and there’s always a “honeymoon” stage when the abuser does all sorts of things to please us and show us he is sorry.

Unfortunately for me, the BIG guy (supposedly a friend of my mother’s), not only moved the furniture into my new place, but then he tried to make a move onto me! I threw him out, and told my mom. She NEVER DID BELIEVE ME! But it was okay, I was safe in my new place, with my same job and doing fine. That is…until I ran into Jim in a gas station. He wanted to “talk”. Stupidly, I agreed but I said it had to be a public place. We went down the street to a restaurant, where he again proceeded to apologize, ask forgiveness, and then….believe it or not….suggest that we “get back together”. By this time, I was now re-acquiring my self-esteem….I was NOT undesirable, unintelligent, undeserving, etc.  I WAS A GOOD PERSONI DESERVED MORE. So, I was not intimidated and refused to get back with him. Weeks, maybe months, passed and I was again dating. Suddenly, I began receiving phone calls from Jim in which he threatened to have me “raped in an alley by a bunch of ‘n-word’”.  He told me that he had been having me followed, and proceeded to tell me who I had dated, what kind of car they drove, etc. HE HAD FOUND ME! I was terrified but remember that self-esteem? NOW I had it back. NO WAY, NO HOW...he was NOT going to get to me.
I ended up holding my ground, staying in my rental, and dating. All I know about him was that he faked a burglary, stating that all of my jewelry, clothing, etc., had been taken in it, and he is probably off performing another scam and abusing women. I started all over…from clothes, shoes, food, apartment, car….EVERYTHING. And TODAY, it was the BEST THING I ever could have done! I pursued my education, made a living, and a name for myself in doing so. I am now retired, having lived a life of abuse/terror and survival…and I WON!  
Believe it or not, I had wanted children with this man. Today I am grateful that we never had any. I am now blessed with two daughters from my second marriage, but the real deal is my third AND LAST husband – the man who raised my two little girls into the beautiful women they are today. We remain married now, after 15 years, and I know that I AM WORTH IT. THAT’S WHAT COUNTS.
Just MAKE THE CALLYOU ARE WORTH IT!  The laws protect YOU today, unlike me in my day….GET OUT! GET HELP! You have a life ahead of you that is worth living and blessings that you can accept each day.”

Let’s break the silence! Women today have the same rights as men and deserve to be appreciated and treated with the same respect! A man who truly loves a woman would never want to hurt her.
And a man who raises a hand (or his voice) to a woman deserves to be brought to light and be punished by law.

For more information on Domestic Violence and how to seek help,
check out the following links:
U.S: The Hotline (gives you information about shelters in your area) 

{ It took a lot of courage for the person above to share her story with us. For safety reasons we must respect her choice to remain anonymous. Due to the sensitive nature of this post, rude and disrespectful comments will NOT be approved. Thank you! }

{ Thought Of The Day } – New Year’s Resolutions & How To Accomplish Them

Hi girls! I hope you all had an amazing holiday season and that you had a marvelous (and responsible) New Year celebration. After an entire week of doing absolutely nothing and eating way too much over at the beach house, I am happy to report that I am fully rested and contented to be home. I tell you, there is a limit to the number of days you can spend doing nothing without going completely insane. 

And since a brand new year has begun, and the craziness of the holidays have passed, I assume many of you have listed a number of new year’s resolutions you’d like to accomplish in 2012. I admit I was never one to fully commit to my resolutions; I found it hard to set goals and try to meet them without getting frustrated along the way. Then, I learned not to be too hard on myself and take it one day at a time. Accept that I am not perfect, and that if I don’t accomplish all of my resolutions by the year’s end, there will always be a New Year.

And since statistics say that only 2% of Resolution-Setters actually accomplish their goals, I decided to start 2012 with the right foot by putting together a short and simple guide of how you can organize your resolutions by staying focused and tackling every single one of them with confidence.

Check it out:

10 Tips To Help You Stick To Your Resolutions:

1. Take time to evaluate 2011. Make a list of the things that worked well and didn’t. Take a moment to celebrate your successes. Then consider why you were successful. What lessons can you extract from failures?

2. Make sure your resolutions are YOURS and not somebody else’s.

3. Write your goals down and keep them where you can see them. Go back to read them every 2 weeks or at the start of every month. It’s also a good idea to create deadlines for each one and have a strategy plan.

4. Don’t feel discouraged if a goal doesn’t get accomplished or takes a bit extra time and effort to complete.

5. Reward yourself each time a goal is accomplished. Make sure it’s  a reward that will keep you motivated: manicures every week for a month, a SPA day, a new pair of shoes…

6. Don’t compare yourself or your rate of progress to anyone else. Focus instead on doing the best you can do TODAY.

7. Make it public. When You share your goals with others you automatically feel more enthusiastic and committed to accomplishing them. You can email them to your group of friends, or significant other, asking them to check up on you and encourage you to keep on going. Make sure they know of your deadlines. You can also offer to do the same for them!

8. Find someone successful to imitate. There’s nothing like a healthy competition.

9. Repeat, repeat, repeat. Repeating tasks is the way to mastery. Repeat one or two of the same tasks crucial to your desired change each and every week. Before you know it, you’ll be able to do these on autopilot.

10. Be proud of yourself each and every day! Take a moment to tap yourself in the back daily and remind yourself why this will be all worth it! Self-confidence is key to your success!

Best of luck ladies! And here’s to a year of accomplished resolutions!
Until next time!
Some sources from: www.courierpress.com

{ Food For Thought }

Today, let’s close the day with a little inspiration for the soul. Sometimes, it’s important to stop and take a moment to reflect on what’s important in life, on our inner happiness and our self-fulfillment. And occasionally, a very wise quote can help you do all of that.

Personally, I love reading (and finding) quotes that touch me, inspire me, and challenge my mind. And here are a few I just realized I had saved in a forgotten folder in my computer. As you’ll see, I have a little obsession with Oscar Wilde, Paulo Coelho & Mark Twain.

So, enjoy! And don’t forget to take them in…or print them out and pin them to your cubicles – like I used to do.

 Until next time!

{ Thought Of The Day } – Judgement

I’ve never believed in coincidence. From experience, I’ve learned that everything in life happens for a reason. So when I received last week’s newsletter from GOOP, Gwyneth Paltrow’s blog (highly recommend), I felt it was being written directly to me.

I know I’ve judged others in the past, we all have, but I noticed that the happier I started to feel with myself,  and the more I learned to accept and love myself, the less judgemental I became.

I started to perceive things differently. I started to understand others in deeper ways…to accept and love them as they are, for the mistakes they have made. I also learned the art of dealing with those who feel the temporary pleasure of judging you.

And I finally understood the reason WHY we judge.

But as a human, there are times I forget, and let judgemental comments get to me. That’s why I believe last week’s newsletter could have not been delivered at the most appropriate time. Check it out:

Gwyneth Paltrow asked: 

“Often times, when we occupy the space of ‘I’m right and you’re wrong’ it keeps us from seeing our own responsibility in matters. When we judge others’ foibles and personality traits, what does it really say about us? What can we do to identify and get rid of judgment in ourselves and in our lives?”

And here are my favorite answers:

From Michael Berg (Director of The Kabbalah Centre):
“It is easy to judge others and find fault in them; it is sometimes even enjoyable. Yet in reality, if our aim is to draw greater blessings and fulfillment into our lives, it is one of the most dangerous things we can do.
When we judge others we often think that we are simply making an observation, and that this action or thought will not affect us. However this is not the case. When we judge others we are awakening and connecting ourselves to a force of judgment. It is like trying to throw mud at someone – we might or might not hit them but we are definitely tainted by the mud. And by acting in this way we don’t necessarily affect the other person, but we most definitely draw the energy of judgment and lack into ourselves.
I am often asked, ‘We know that there are no coincidences, but why, then, do we see faults in others if it is wrong to judge people?’ The kabbalists teach that as easy as it is to see shortcomings in others, it is almost impossible for an individual to truly find and assess his or her own faults. In order to change and grow we need to be able to know what it is about ourselves that we need to transform. Yet if we are never completely capable of seeing our own faults, how will we change?
In order to assist us, the Creator created endless mirrors for each of us that allow us to clearly see what we have to change. These mirrors are all the people that are in our lives every day. Every fault we see in another person is an indication that we have an aspect of that issue within ourselves. In fact, the reality is that the only reason we are being shown these flaws in others is to realize that they also exist within ourselves. How silly is it then that we often disregard this and focus on what is wrong with other people?
The kabbalists use a simple story to illustrate this lesson. A man spends all of his day in a coal mine and his entire body and face are filthy. As he arrives home he sees a mirror his wife has bought. He looks at the mirror and sees that his reflection is dirty, so he takes a rag and starts cleaning the mirror. He tries and tries with all his might but his face still remains dirty. Of course this man is acting foolishly, as it is not a problem with the mirror but rather his own filth. This is how we usually behave—we see a reflection of our less-than-perfect traits in others, and rather than realizing that we are seeing this in order to change and perfect ourselves, we stay focused on the faulty mirror.
If we truly integrate this understanding into our lives, the next time we feel the urge to judge others we will instead look inward and find how we too possess the fault we see and forget about judging anyone. By acting in this way we protect ourselves from drawing the energy of judgment and lack into our lives. And most importantly, we gain a clear direction for own transformation and growth.”
From Elizabeth Mattis-Namgyel (Buddhist Scholar):
“What I hear in this question is a common concern for all of us: we want to be able to respond to our relationships with skillfulness and clarity. But when we critically examine, say, a conflict we might be having with a friend or family member, we often find ourselves judging others based on ‘right’ or ‘wrong.’ So to me the fundamental question comes down to this: ‘Is there a way of working with relationships without judging or ignoring?’
For me this question opened up a query into the difference between discernment and judgment. When we look at another human being—or ourselves—we see that we are not ‘one way.’ Human beings are creative and destructive, cranky and kind, joyful and miserable…it’s impossible to pin down a human being. We are always a ‘work in progress.’ So when we judge others (or ourselves) we are objectifying or seeing them in a one-dimensional way. There is a closing down around a negative idea, and simultaneously, there is a non-acceptance of the “fullness” of who they are. This is why, when we judge others, we experience first and foremost the negativity of our own mind.
One thing I like to do when I find myself in these situations is to try to remember at least two other qualities about the person whom I have just ‘put in a box.’ For instance, aside from what is irritating us, we may acknowledge that she is a good mother to her children. We may remember that she brought us soup when we were sick. In this way, all of us move out of our tendency to judge them—to form a solid picture of them—which in turn moves us out of our own negativity. This helps us see this person more fully, which, if we are honest with ourselves, is more accurate.
This doesn’t mean that this person doesn’t exhibit habits that challenge us. Nor does it mean that we shouldn’t also find a way to work with or even communicate with this person, set boundaries, and so on… But when we don’t shut down by making judgments, the atmosphere of our minds is open, gentle and non-reactive. This gives us a greater capacity for clear seeing and how to relate to them skillfully in order to obtain a positive outcome.
I deeply believe that seeing the fullness of others, in all their pain and glory, allows us to express the greatest love and respect we can offer. It is an unconditional kind of love. And this kind of love has a profound effect on our own minds.
Not long ago a dear friend of mine lost her father. She told me that after his passing, her family and friends began to praise and deify him. Although she adored and respected her father, this was hard for her. She said that her father was many things: he was intelligent and kind, but also sometimes rough and gritty, ‘like a prickly pear cactus.’ She had trouble listening to people describe her father in such a one-dimensional way. She felt that her love for her father included the fullness of his human-ness.
I found this touching because her love for her father was inclusive … she didn’t have to forget or disregard him in any way. She could accept him completely for who he was. She was able to see him clearly and accept him fully, both at the same time.
We can have an inclusive stance that makes room for the full humanity of others. From this ground, we can respond to a parent, friend or co-worker without judgment. When we realize that we can be both open and discerning at the same time, we experience freedom from negativity and meaningfulness in our relationship with the world.”

So, what do you think the act of judging others says about ourselves?

{ Thought Of The Day } – Words of Wisdom

Some months ago, I came across a list of motivational, inspiring, and wise phrases on a blog I read on a daily basis. The phrases I read stuck with me so deeply, that I ended up saving them in my computer so I could return to them on those difficult days when you need a little “pick me up.”

And since I couldn’t keep them all to myself, I decided to share them with you too. After all, words of wisdom can be of great help, and we all need them every once in a while. Enjoy!

On Health:

1. Drink plenty of water
2. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar
3. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants, and eat less food that is manufactured on plants
4. Live with the 3 E’s – Energy, Enthusiasm and Empathy
5. Play more games
6. Read more books
7. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day
8. Sleep for 7 hours
9. Take a 10-30 minute walk daily. And while you walk, smile

On Personality:

1. Don’t compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about

2. Don’t have negative thoughts or things you cannot control in your mind. Instead, invest your energy in the positive present moment
3. Don’t over do. Keep your limits
4. Don’t take yourself so seriously. No one else does
5. Don’t waste your precious energy on gossip
6. Dream more while you’re awake
7. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need
8. Forget issues of the past. Don’t remind your partner of his/her mistakes of the past, either. That will ruin your present happiness. Live in the present
9. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Don’t hate others
10. Make peace with your past and the past of others. Don’t let it spoil the present
11. No one is in charge of your happiness except you
12. Realize that life is a school and you are here to learn. Problems are simply part of the curriculum that appear and fade away like Algebra class. But the lessons you learn will last a lifetime
13. Smile and laugh more
14. You don’t have to win every argument. Agree to disagree

                                                                              On Society:

1. Call your family often

2. Each day give something good to others
3. Forgive everyone for everything
4. Spend time with people over the age of 70 & under the age of 6
5. Try to make at least three people smile each day
6. What other people think of you is none of your business
7. Your job won’t take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will. Stay in touch

On Life:

1. Do the right thing!
2. Get rid of anything that isn’t useful, beautiful or joyful
3. However good or bad a situation is, it will change
4. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up
5. The best is yet to come
6. Your inner most is always happy. So, BE HAPPY!

And here are a few more that I always tell myself:

“No matter how bad things appear to be, remember, there are people who have it much worse.”
“Everything in life is fixable, except death.”

Have a nice evening everyone!